- 01823 351630
- Registered Care Providers Association Ltd, Victoria House, Victoria St, Taunton, TA1 3FA
Supporting Social Care Providers in Somerset
About the RCPA
Supporting Social Care Providers in Somerset – we provide a comprehensive service to our members which includes but not limited to, signposting, resources, and support in relation to a wide range of issues. We facilitate engagement across the integrated health and care system. Our members include both profit and not-for-profit organisations providing home care, care homes, supported living and community support. We assist our members through collaboration, negotiation and lobbying in relation to the development and delivery of care and support. Acting as a voice for care providers, we aim to represent the views of all our members, bringing their concerns and queries to the attention of service commissioners as well as government and regulatory bodies.
Please can you sign and share the petition (re NIC increases) widely within your services, friends and family – 100,000 signatures required at which point the petition will be considered for debate in Parliament.
RCPA offer valuable information to our organisation.
Care Home Manager
After being a Registered manager and a director of a previous company, due to unforeseen circumstances, I had to restart a new company. Re-registering as an RCPA member and being on this platform kept us up to date and aware of changes in Health and Social care e.g. Digitalisation, DSPT, CQC, Local Authority, Procurement, Budget etc. When one goes through that dark experience in life of losing a company, which was my experience, it can be so isolating, however, I can’t thank you enough because attending events and managers’ forums and having health and social care updates helped in rebuilding of our new service and CQC preparation. We are now CQC registered. Therefore, we have decided to renew membership, because RCPA is worth it, accommodating, helpful, and fit for purpose
Care Provider
Your support and guidance in whatever form it is provided is always welcomed, informative and helpful.
Care Provider - Somerset
I enjoy the support and friendship offered by the RCPA team plus access to news and updates / meetings and events / the safe space and forum offered to raise issues.
Care Home Manager - Somerset
We find the support we receive is very good. Any queries are dealt with quickly. DBS service efficient.
Care Home - Somerset
DBS Services
We offer a personal and efficient online DBS service for both members and non-members.
Development Fund
We are distributing this year’s Workforce Development Fund in partnership with Skills for Care.
Assessor Scheme
Improving the pathway into and out of hospital for people in receipt of care and support.
Better Security,
Better care
RCPA is helping local care providers to evaluate and improve their data and cyber security.
& Procedures
We offer a comprehensive range of policies and procedures free of charge to our members.