Please find a roundup of the latest news and resources.
- ****RCPA annual conference 8th November****
It’s not too late to reserve a space!
A perfect opportunity to take some time out, connect with, and meet new colleagues, make new connections across health and social care,, catch up with the latest developments, enjoy a delicious lunch and listen to inspiring and informative speakers!
Please contact for more details, programme, and registration pack, also visit under ‘events’ tab.
- Safeguarding provider engagement sessions
Following our previous bulletin, we can confirm that Somerset Council has confirmed four meetings in different venues county wide. Please see attached for more details and how to book. Session 1 on 12th October (West Coker) still has spaces.
- New Reservist Trusted Assessor
We are delighted to welcome Susan White to the RCPA TA team. Susan, a registered nurse, brings a wealth of experience to the role and will be based at MPH, working Fridays mostly to help with assessments for care homes. Susan says she is looking forward to meeting and working with providers over the next few months.
- Next Members’ call
An informal drop-in session and protected forum to discuss topics of the day, share experiences and practice. We will invite system colleagues at members’ request. Next meeting is Tuesday 10th October @10.00hrs. Please contact for the TEAMs link. As requested by members we have invited colleagues from Somerset Council to join us to discuss PAMMs at the October meeting. (Thanks to all who were able to make yesterday’s meeting. Topics included DSCR experiences by members in different care settings, useful to know, and will be relayed to the DiSC team; hoping to have more updates next meeting).
- RMN-LD/Dom/Day care
Wednesday 6th December 13.30-15.00hrs via TEAMs. We will be joined by Jo Jones, Business Change, Somerset Council re digitalisation in care, amongst other topics. Please contact for the TEAMs link. We plan to hold F2F meetings early next year.