RCPA Members’ bulletin – 4th July 2024

News and Resources

  • Mangar lifting equipment – FREE – Last chance! Deadline extended!

The UCR team is approaching care homes in Somerset to see who would like one of the three remaining Mangars (lifting equipment) provided by the ICB grant. Homes have been approached but may potentially miss out on these. The team would like to hear back from homes ASAP (to allocate equipment and organise training). We are aware of members who have already been approached and potentially may miss out on this free equipment so would encourage you to contact Luci Bestic, Rapid Response Administrator no later than Monday 8th July: Luci.Bestic@somersetft.nhs.uk


  • Care Home feedback

We are advised by the Trusted Assessors and would encourage care homes to continue to send feedback following discharges from hospital, and that the inbox is still being monitored Carehomefeedback@somersetft.nhs.uk



Sector based work academy programme and pre-employment training in collaboration with DWP, Somerset Skills and Learning and SFT. SWAPs team is looking for 3 x cohorts (each cohort up to 10 providers) for ‘test and learn’ with a recruitment focus on West Somerset, subsequently a model for future recruitment in the sector. This will provide young adults aged 19yrs + an opportunity for 2 weeks of training with a guaranteed interview from the care provider. Any member who would like to get involved with this, please contact hilary.robinson@rcpa.org.uk. Thanks to those who have already responded.


  • Care planning – paid research opportunity

The RCPA has been approached by the University of Oxford recently and asked to share this with our members.

Summary: Researchers from five universities have recently drafted a set of key principles relating to care planning in older adult care homes. They are now inviting members of Registered Care Providers Association to review the document. 

  • Who can take part: Health and social care professionals with experience of care planning in older adult care homes. 
  • What’s involved: Participants will be asked to read over the key principles document and provide feedback via a survey. 
  • Reward: Eligible respondents who complete the survey will be provided with a £25 Amazon Voucher to say thank you. 
  • Next steps: For more information, and to take part, please contact Jono Taylor on jonathan.taylor@ndph.ox.ac.uk. Also below some further information.

Round 1 – Briefing Paper

Round 1 – FINAL – Key Principles

Round 1 – Participant information sheet


  • WhatsApp forum and member resources

We are looking at ways where we can share resources and information and increase accessibility for our members.

Firstly, we are looking at trialling a knowledge/resource library via our website – this will include commonly asked questions around general topics with some answers, suggestions, resources, and signposting. We envisage the ‘library’ will be a work in progress and grow over time.

Secondly, as part of a network for sharing best practice and support would any members be interested in participating in a WhatsApp group?


  • Capacity Tracker – don’t get caught with an NOI – useful to know!

Following on from our recent bulletin; an NOI will be issued to a provider if they have failed to submit within the previous three reporting windows or have missed 4 submissions in the previous 12mths. We have posted future dates for reporting windows on our website. Business Services Authority (BSA) – who administer the NOIs and penalties – would usually contact any provider who fall into either of these categories, to determine the reason for the failure and would then determine what action to take.


From our Partners

  • Borderless Webinar – Changes & Implications For Sponsorship In The Care Sector

With the upcoming election, potential government changes could significantly impact sponsorship in the care sector.
Join us to uncover how your organisation could be affected and get your questions answered on the latest developments.

🗓️ Tuesday, July 23rd | 11:00 AM BST

Webinar Agenda:

  • Introduction
  • Understanding the Changes
  • Impact on Your Organisation
  • Practical steps to adapt to new regulations and ensure compliance
  • Q&A Session



  • Optimise Workplace Wellbeing –

Level 3 Award in Mental Health First Aid (RQF)

Throughout this 2-day course, learners will develop the knowledge, skills, and confidence to actively promote positive mental health in the workplace by covering a range of topics, including: understanding mental health and its importance, awareness of their own wellbeing as a Mental Health First Aider, common mental health conditions, how to support those experiencing poor mental health at work with tools such as active listening and non-judgemental support.

What’s covered on the course

  • Learn how to spot the signs and support people that are struggling with a wide range of mental health conditions, including:
    • Depression
    • Suicide
    • Anxiety Disorders (including OCD, Panic Disorder, Phobias, Social Anxiety, Separation Anxiety, Generalised Anxiety Disorder and PTSD)
    • Eating Disorders
    • Psychosis
    • Self-Injury
  • We look at each condition in detail and hear from people that have real lived experience of some of these conditions, which gives learners a deep understanding of what someone experiencing symptoms may be experiencing.
  • Understand and learn about the symptoms a person may be experiencing, what to say and how to support an individual in the best way for them.
  • The mental health continuum and the differences between mental health and mental illness, and the judgment and discrimination that is often felt around this topic due to stigma and lack of understanding.
  • Risk and Protective factors to our mental health and learn how to implement health habits and coping techniques, including self-care.
  • Stress and how to recognise, manage and cope with stress – this is a very important part of the course as stress is always present in any mental health condition, whether it’s the cause, a symptom or both.
  • Case Studies looking at scenarios and what we can do to help, what to say and where to access and signpost to the correct support, along with how to provide ongoing support.
  • Where and how to access support and different types of support that are available.
  • Recovery and Wellbeing Recovery Action Plans

This 2-day course is packed full of useful, helpful and lifesaving information to help others and yourself.

Upcoming course dates:

23rd and 30th July 2024 – 09:30 -17:30 both days at The Ibis, Bridgwater

All training materials, certificate, ongoing support provided, along with lunch and refreshments and free parking on both days included in cost.

Cost is £245 for RCPA Members, a saving of £100 on usual course price of £345.



Digital News

  • DSPT

A huge thank you to everyone who has completed and republished the DSPT. We understand that completing the DSPT every year by June 30th can put pressure on already busy services. However, Somerset has made it a priority, and the hard work has paid off.

The majority of Somerset providers use the DSPT as evidence of good data protection and cyber security practice. Over 82% of providers are DSPT compliant, which is well above the national average of 74%.

The RCPA would also like to thank all the providers who have engaged with our data security workshops, events, and free support. If there is anything you would like to see from the RCPA over the next year, please let us know.