RCPA Members’ bulletin – 6th December 2024

News and Resources

  • What we’ve been up to at the RCPA!

Lobbying! NIC and NLW impact.

We continue to lobby around the impact of NIC and NLW locally and nationally and via different mediums. Information and links via WhatsApp group and bulletins (template letter attached for MPs). Also encouraging members to sign the letter @ #ProvidersUnite – Campaign for Change  (link above -1518 signatures so far).

Please share the link to petition to govt, https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/700080 as widely as possible – colleagues, friends, and family! Currently at over 31k signatures today, 100k signatures required to prompt a debate in Parliament. The petition will close 5th May 2025.

Nationally, we are asking members to provide a case study around the impact of NIC and NLW. We are looking for 2-4 members across the different services in each county. Please see attached and kindly forward to the RCPA if you would be interested in participating. The idea is that these could then be shared nationally and locally with the media to encourage further coverage of the impact of the Budget on social care.

Locally, RCPA board members recently met with Rachel Gilmour, Liberal Democrat MP for Tiverton and Minehead. The meeting was powerful and positive where we were able to raise the issues around NIC and NLW as well as fees and other challenges. Rachel intends to table the issues in Parliament. Following on from Summer, we have arranged another meeting in the new year with Gideon Amos, Liberal Democrat MP for Taunton, and Wellington, (Gideon sent his apologies for not being able to attend the conference); currently arranging a meeting with Ashley Fox, Conservative MP for Bridgwater. Our intention is to meet with all the MPs across Somerset to ensure our collective voice is heard.

***The impact of the NIC and NLW increase is far reaching not only for providers but for our communities and NHS; as such we continue to lobby via the local authority and ICB/NHS senior leads, with the case that ASC providers are very much needed as a cornerstone in our communities and pivotal in helping to reduce pressure on the NHS, especially during surge demand (as you will have heard recently in the news with the increase in winter viruses, notably ‘flu)***

We have also met with the LA to request and emphasise the importance of ‘early as poss’ comms to providers around any potential fee uplifts for 25/26. We are also joining our colleagues nationally around work on this.


  • Staying connected

It’s more important than ever to stay connected with the recent announcement that the LEMs will cease (as announced in the ASC bulletin this week) in addition to the ASC bulletins now moved to monthly. To help fill the gaps with comms across the sector we’re looking at some initiatives with a gentle reminder that members have access to the RCPA WhatsApp group. Please contact admin@rcpa.org.uk for the link to join along with TORs. Members can use the group to share best practice, highlight emerging issues and topics of interest, how to/signposting, who to contact for this etc… to name a few!

The next MNM will be via TEAMs, 14.00-15.00hrs on Tuesday 17th December. Please contact admin@rcpa.org.uk for the link. Open meeting for members – RMs, deputies, clinical leads etc with focus and any items for discussion – LD.

RCPA team members attended the public event at County Hall – ‘Financial planning and arranging your care and support needs’ on 25th November. The event was arranged by Somerset Council following feedback and suggestions from members at an MNM in Summer with Sarah Wakefield and Paul Coles from Somerset Council. If any member attended, we would like to hear your views on the event.


The Care Conference resources links are available on the RCPA website- https://rcpa.org.uk/news/rcpa-2024-conference-follow-up/.

Thanks to all who have completed feedback; we have used this to inform next year’s conference.


The Trusted Assessor service will be forming a central hub at MPH from 13th January. The service and team will remain unchanged, and the TAs will continue to cover both the acutes – YDH and MPH as well as community hospitals. The TAs will be in touch very soon with new central contact details. Until then please continue to email YDHTA@rcpa.org.uk and MPHTA@rcpa.org.uk.


  • OMMT

In the last bulletin, we shared details around access to free places on Tier 1 and 2 training via the ICB (attached). If you are unable to access this free training (as spaces limited), as an alternative option, Autism Somerset have shared details of their training offer (attached) and link here to book via Eventbrite https://www.eventbrite.com/cc/oliver-mcgowan-mandatory-training-tier-2-3268299?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=creatorshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=odclsxcollection&utm-source=cp&aff=escb. Please note there is a cost for this training. (The RCPA does not endorse training providers but included as our service offer to members, we are often asked about training providers for different specialisms/topics).


  • End of Life Care Conference – March 2025

Canalside, Bridgwater

Hosted by Somerset EOL Education Network

Cost per delegate £27.80

Somerset End of Life Care Conference 2025 Tickets, Thu, Mar 13, 2025 at 9:00 AM | Eventbrite


  • Safeguarding in Somerset and Stop Adult Abuse awareness

Please find attached slides and associated links via Somerset Safeguarding Adults. The RCPA is a member of the Somerset Safeguarding Adults Board. If you have any comments, suggestions, please forward to hilary.robinson@rcpa.org.uk.


Digital News

Digital Care Hub events

MASTERCLASS: Accessing GP Data with GP Connect

December 17th 14:00 – 15:30 – Click here to register

Are you ready to move from Analogue to Digital?

January 15th 14:00 – 15:30 – Click here to register

MASTERCLASS: Friends and Family Portals in Digital Social Care Records

January 22nd 14:00 – 15:30 – Click here to register


From our Partners

  • Borderless

New Home Office Audit Checklist

At Borderless, we’ve been having many conversations with providers about sponsor licence revocations and the growing number of Home Office audits. In the past 18 months alone, nearly 100 social care providers have lost their sponsor licences due to non-compliance.

This means they were not only required to terminate the employment of all sponsored workers but also faced significant fines and potential reputational damage.

Home Office compliance can be a significant challenge for care providers. That’s why our compliance team has created a Home Office Audit Checklist—a free, actionable resource to help care providers stay prepared, avoid costly penalties, and safeguard their sponsor licences.

We’d love it if you could share this checklist with your network/members. It’s an invaluable tool for anyone in HR, recruitment, or management who wants to simplify the audit process and reduce compliance risks.

Here’s the link to the checklist.

RCPA and Board members meeting with local MP, Rachel Gilmour

On Monday 25th November, the RCPA and Board members were pleased to meet Rachel Gilmour, Liberal Democrat MP for Tiverton and Minehead. We posed our questions and concerns to Rachel around the NIC and NLW increases amongst other, and adverse impact on the independent social care sector; asking for these to be escalated in Parliament. We would like to thank Rachel for a very productive and positive meeting and look forward to hearing about progress.

RCPA 2024 Conference follow up

Sending a heartfelt thanks to all the delegates who attended our recent RCPA annual conference. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did! It was a fabulous day, and wonderful to see so many friendly faces! We shall now look forward to planning the next event following your feedback.

Please find below the slides/presentations from the conference –

Marr Procurement video


Howden Presentation

Neil Eastwood Presentation

Nigel Pluckrose, Somerset Council Presentation

Prepare to Care Flyer – Somerset Health & Care Academy

RCPA Budget Update

RWK Goodman ‘CQC’ Presentation

Somerset Health & Care Academy – Workforce & Training Workshop Slides


Pictures taken throughout the day

Providers Unite

#ProvidersUnite is calling on Chancellor Rachel Reeves for an urgent review of Budget policies that threaten community care and support services across Britain. Join us in standing together for meaningful change!

Please see the letter attached, and click on the link where providers can also sign!

RCPA Members’ bulletin – 15th November 2024

News and Resources

  • THE Care Conference for Somerset, hosted by RCPA.

We would like to thank all those who were able to make it on Tuesday, despite the challenges following the tragic incident on the M5. We enjoyed the day and hope you did too. We are collating resources and slide presentations from the event and will circulate these via a separate ‘special conference round up’ bulletin asap.

Congratulations to the lucky winners of the hamper, signed copy of Neil Eastwood’s book – ‘Saving Social Care’ and a pair of race day tickets – enjoy! If you can get in touch, share any photos for our social media and website, we would love to hear from you!

Also, if you missed the feedback form, (in delegate packs) we will circulate along with the resources separately, so please kindly take some time to complete and return to admin@rcpa.org.uk. We use the feedback to help us plan future events. Following a brief hiatus, we will be busy planning the conference for 2025!


  • Govt petition and template letter for MP – lobby, lobby, lobby!

In case you missed it, please see attached letter. The impact of the proposed NIC increases equates to £615 extra for all employees working over 8 hrs per week. Also, members may want to consider the impact of the NLW increases due next April:

  • Will the increase affect all my employees and my wages bill (by 77 pence)?
  • What am I spending now on my wages bill and what additionally because of the budget?

Also follow this link for the petition re NIC increases. https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/700080. We’ve also included the link in our organisational email signatures – you may want to! It’s great to hear from members who have been lobbying in their local areas, thank you, let’s make a difference! Also don’t forget our WhatsApp members group if you would like to share your updates, what’s happening in your area. Please contact admin@rcpa.org.uk to join. The RCPA continues to participate in local, regional, and national lobbying.


  • OMMT update

Access to training places has been a challenge since OMMT was announced. We are pleased to tell you that we have made some progress with lobbying for fair access to training places available via ICB. We recognise there is still much work to do in this area including funding for backfilling costs etc but it’s a start. We understand that funding will cease at the end of March 2025.

***Social care providers have been allocated 10 places per Tier 1 and 10 places per Tier 2 session***.

However, Tier 1 sessions have been running with low attendance, so the training hub might well be able to offer you more than 10 places on that where possible; some may be last minute where other trainees have dropped out. Please see attached update with details about how to register. We have checked the links are working but in case of any issues, please contact somicb.olivermcgowantraining@nhs.net and cc in eelke.zoestbergen@nhs.net

***The only proviso the Training Hub has given is to ask that these links are not shared with anyone outside their own organisation. This will help to ensure fair access to training whilst funding is limited***


  • Somerset Council public engagement event 25/11, County Hall – ‘Financial planning for your future care and support needs’

In our conversations with SC one of the items discussed included an imperative to create greater awareness amongst the public around ASC provision and sources and access to funding, to help navigate this complex area. Here is the link for tickets should anyone wish to register to attend the presentations (be quick as a few places allocated for providers). The RCPA will be hosting a stand along with a team member from the TA service.

Financial planning for your care and support needs at County Hall event tickets from TicketSource

Here is a link to our website

Come to our free event, ‘Financial planning for your care and support needs’

If you have difficulty registering, please let us know. Spaces filling fast. We understand that the main contact number for SC is advertising the event and may be able to help


  • Update re pain relief following a fall.

Slow progress but pleased to say persistence seems to be working and we have managed to have a conversation at the end of last month….who we need to make this happen and progress etc.


  • Skills for Care Southwest stats work force data sets

This month Skills for Care launched their flagship report ‘The state of the adult social care sector and workforce in England’ reportIt shows that the workforce grew to 1.71 million filled posts in 2023/24. At the same time, vacancies fell to 131,000 on any given day for the second successive year. You can find the full report on our website alongside an updated interactive data visualisation.


  • Situation Update – mpox

At time of writing, one further case of clade Ib mpox has been detected in a household contact of the first case, the UK Health Security Agency (UKSHA) can confirm.  This brings the total number of confirmed cases to 4, all of which belong to the same household. Risk to the UK population remains low. More information can be found here: Latest update on cases of Clade Ib mpox – GOV.UK.


  • LeDeR update

Please see attached story and importance of oral care.


  • Capacity tracker

The capacity tracker applies to care home and home care services. Completion of the CT is a requirement but also allows providers to advertise their vacancies on the DHSC website (free to use) CareFind, (care homes only at this stage, home care will follow soon). Please find attached the PP slides from our MNM in September.


From our Partners


Webinar: Adapting HR Strategies for Healthcare and Social Care Under the New Employment Rights Bill – Tuesday 3rd December at 11.00am

The recently unveiled Employment Rights Bill is set to bring sweeping changes to the workplace, reshaping HR practices in healthcare and social care for years to come. With 28 key reforms—including new day-one rights for employees and the end of zero-hour contracts—it’s essential to understand what this means for your organisation.

Join us on Tuesday, December 3 at 11:00 AM GMT to learn how you can prepare, adapt, and protect your organisation in light of these changes.

What You’ll Learn:

  • What’s New in Employment Law: Discover the key changes, including compliance essentials for healthcare and social care providers
  • Strategies for Implementing Change: Practical steps to integrate these reforms smoothly within your organization
  • Protecting Employee Well-Being: Best practices for managing mental health, absence, and diversity in the workplace
  • Live Q&A with Borderless Experts: Get tailored advice on how these changes affect your HR strategies directly from our industry experts

Don’t miss this opportunity to future-proof your HR strategy and stay compliant.

Click here to register.


Digital News

Data Security Health Check

This pilot is part of the national Better Security Better Care programme.  We are offering free in-person health check visits to review your completed Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT) submission and wider data security in your organisation. We believe that receiving a health check could provide several important benefits for care providers. However, as this is a pilot project, we will also be seeking feedback from you to understand the actual and perceived benefits.

Following the data security health check you will be provided with a confidential report that will detail everything that has been discussed during the visit, giving reassurance that you are doing everything necessary in terms of data protection and cyber security but also highlighting any areas that may need improvement, with resources to guide you. Following the report you receive, an anonymised version will be sent to Better Security, Better Care allowing them to see any common trends or themes that they can use to further support the wider social care sector.

RCPA are currently asking for a small number of volunteer providers to take part in this project. If you’re interested and would like to know more, please email daniel.plummer@rcpa.org.uk

Action following Autumn statement – Petition

Lobby, lobby, lobby!

The impact of the proposed NIC increases equates to £615 extra for all employees working over 8 hrs per week. Also, members may want to consider the impact of the NLW increases due next April:

  • Will the increase affect all my employees and my wages bill (by 77p)?
  • What am I spending now on my wages bill and what additionally as a result of the budget?

These will be useful considerations to help your individual cause and service when lobbying in your local areas.

Please can you share this petition widely within your services, friends and family – 100,000 signatures required at which point the petition will be considered for debate in Parliament. The link- https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/700080

At time of writing, signatures stand at over 17,000, so let’s keep going! The link also being shared via RCPA social media; please visit and share!

As PMQ breaking today and Leader of opposition asked how £600million will be allocated for ASC and no mention of ring-fenced funding for providers which will in turn increase costs for local authorities. The RCPA continues to participate in national and regional discussions through various alliances, has written to Somerset Council and senior leads with Sft/ICB (who were invited to yesterday’s conference). Any govt funding by the time it reaches Somerset will be appx £6million and won’t even begin to touch the sides. We would like to know how ASC providers can sustain services during this existential crisis whilst simultaneously asking to be included in high level discussions around allocation of any funding and is applied where it has most impact, i.e. across an efficient and effective independent sector who have always supported the NHS through discharges and can only continue to do so if funds are forthcoming via a level playing field.

RCPA Members’ bulletin – 16th October 2024

News and Resources

  • Recent Member Network Meeting (MNM)

Thanks to those who were able to make it on Tuesday, 15th October. Please find attached some slides and a link (below) from the meeting. Information attached regarding –

Somerset – End Of Life Care & Bereavement Support (eolcare.uk)


  • Exclusive WhatsApp Group

We are pleased to announce that this is now live. Please contact admin@rcpa.org.uk to ask to be added to the group.

Please note that by joining the WhatsApp group, members accept the group terms of reference (TORs) which are available from admin@rcpa.org.uk.


  • The Care Conference for Somerset

It is now less than a month until The Care Conference, please see information included below, (if you haven’t already registered, would urge you to as soon as possible as limited spaces available). We hope you will find the day enjoyable as well as informative with some light entertainment, delicious lunch, and refreshments, ‘give aways’ and raffle on the day. We have added some updates and details to workshops in the recently to help you decide which options to choose, please see here. This year our trade exhibitors will be allocated across two areas, ground and 1st floor, which will allow more room to mix and mingle, also improved options for lunch with the backdrop of what promises to be some great entertainment!


  • RCPA Annual Conference

THE Care Conference for Somerset, hosted by the RCPA’

Train to Retain

Venue: Taunton Racecourse

Date: Tuesday 12th November 2024

Times: 9.15am until 4.15pm

Member fee – £70 per ticket

Non-member fee – £100 per ticket

For information on the guest speaker, workshops available and the full programme, please see attached.

To book your space, please fill out the attached booking form and return to admin@rcpa.org.uk


From our Partners

  • Borderless

Webinar: Compliance 101: Safeguarding Your Business Against Fines and Licence Revocation

See how you can avoid expensive penalties with an immigration platform.

Join us in one week, October 22 at 11:00 AM for a live discussion with Matthew Bond, CEO & Co-Founder, Borderless, and Lul Salah, Senior Immigration Advisor, where they’ll share their expert strategies to help you stay compliant and avoid costly fines or licence revocation.

What You’ll Learn:

  • The essential steps for maintaining compliance
  • How to avoid fines and licence revocation
  • Best practices for ongoing compliance management
  • The consequences of non-compliance and how to steer clear
  • An interactive Q&A session with our experts

Don’t miss this opportunity to gain actionable insights that will safeguard your business from potential risks.

Click here to register now


Webinar: Streamline Sponsorship and Employee Referrals for Maximum Growth

Is your business fully maximizing the benefits of sponsorship to grow your talent pool?

Join us on Thursday, October 24th at 11:00 AM for an exclusive webinar featuring Matthew Bond, CEO & Co-Founder of Borderless, and Neil Eastwood, Founder & CEO of CareFriends. They’ll reveal how combining sponsorship with employee referrals can enhance retention, efficiency, and growth in your care organization.

What You’ll Learn:

  • How to simplify the sponsorship process and reduce associated costs
  • Best practices for combining sponsorship with employee referral programs to boost recruitment success
  • Real-life examples of care homes using sponsorship to access a wider, skilled international talent pool
  • How sponsorship can help you overcome recruitment challenges in the care industry
  • An interactive Q&A session with our experts

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how to effectively leverage sponsorship for long-term growth and recruitment efficiency.

Click here to register

RCPA Members’ bulletin – 9th October 2024

News and Resources

  • What we’ve been up to at the RCPA!

We are now in the run up and last weeks to The Care Conference, please see information included in this bulletin, (if you haven’t already registered, would urge you to as soon as possible as limited spaces available). We hope you will find the day enjoyable as well as informative with some light entertainment, delicious lunch, and refreshments, ‘give aways’ and raffle on the day. We have added some updates and details to workshops in the last few days to help you decide which options to choose. Look out for the weekly highlights too.  This year our trade exhibitors will be allocated across two areas, ground and 1st floor, which will allow more room to mix and mingle, also improved options for lunch with the backdrop of what promises to be some great entertainment!

Aside from conference planning, making up hampers and prizes for raffles (we’ve been told we do this well) and meeting entertainers, coordinating speakers and workshops, time slots and IT, with Laura and Diana managing registrations and queries with aplomb, we have been developing the exclusive members only WhatsApp group. Apologies for the delay but we want to ensure it’s as seamless as possible… We are pleased to announce that this will be live from Wednesday 9th October. Please contact admin@rcpa.org.uk to ask to be added to the group. Please note that by joining the WhatsApp group, members accept the group terms of reference (TORs) which are available from


On the radar…following up on OMMT with the ICB to ensure access/places on the lived experience training (announced recently and in ASC briefing), digital project work including free support for DSPT continues, international recruitment support for providers, ASC briefing development, patient group directive (PGD) for pain relief post falls, supporting a BU student placement with Trusted Assessors, meeting with MPs and Somerset Council, to advance our cause and member challenges and concerns, to name a few!

Finally, did you see us featured in the Trusted Assessor blog for ‘The Care magazine’? https://issuu.com/cimonline/docs/care_home_september_2024/10


  • CQC updates – SAF project

Sharing this and encouraging members to take part in the survey! https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/cpasafreview The survey will close at 5pm on Sunday 20th October.

In case you missed the announcement from CQC this week:

Sir Julian Hartley will be appointed as CQC’s new Chief Executive. He has been the Chief Executive of NHS Providers since February 2023, prior to which he had a distinguished career as Chief Executive of several organisations, most recently 10 years as Chief Executive of Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust. Start date is yet to be confirmed. The full announcement is available on our website


  • Mpox update as of 7/10/24

There are currently no cases of mpox clade I in the UK. Please do refer to guidance from a recent bulletin which remains unchanged with pathways and advice for suspected cases of mpox or any HCID (high consequence infectious disease). At the time of writing, there are no cases of mpox clade I in the UK.

Relevant guidance

The ‘HCID Mpox (Clade I): Guidance on the management of staff working in health and social care settings who have returned from countries currently affected by mpox clade 1’ guidance is still yet to be published to emphasise the importance of following current IPC measures and the promotion of good IPC practice.

Current guidance and advice can be found at:: Infection prevention and control: resource for adult social care – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) & High consequence infectious diseases (HCID) – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk).

Mpox Vaccine

UKHSA published a press release on 16 September 2024 which provides more information around the Government’s plans and support to boost the country’s resilience and to support the international effort to control the disease.

This UKHSA press release also provides information on who should be offered vaccination, based on expert advice.

UK secures more vaccines to help boost resilience against mpox – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)


  • eNOID

The Health Protection Board have shared the new process issues by the Health Security Agency for the electronic Notification of Infectious Diseases (eNOID).

This process is applicable for registered medical practitioners. Registered medical practitioner means doctors (covers all doctors – NHS and private), this is in the legislation but practically it can be delegated to other staff members. In care homes it may be usual for the manager or nurse in charge do the notifications rather than GPs. Please see attached.



  • MNM Tuesday 15th October; 14.00-15.30hrs

Trull Memorial Village Hall, Church Rd, Trull, Taunton TA3 7JZ

Hybrid joining options available, TEAMs link below –

Microsoft Teams Need help?

Join the meeting now

Meeting ID: 319 134 990 459

Passcode: QRySBN


(To facilitate TEAMs on the day, please can you forward any questions for presenters to hilary.robinson@rcpa.org.uk by COB Monday 14th October).

Agenda to include (not necessarily in this order)

– VAT for care providers: Jock Waugh of Kieran Lynch & Co will be making a presentation on the ‘Key Considerations for VAT Welfare Restructuring’. This will cover what it is exactly, and the key points required to implement the planning. He will also discuss the current timeline to achieve the VAT benefits and the position of funders in accepting this planning.

– Medical examiner system: Following on from the national Death Certification Reforms and the Medical Examiner system becoming mandatory across England & Wales, we welcome Helen Waldon, RGN, Implementation Lead – Somerset Medical Examiner Service and Head of Bereavement & Medical Examiner Services, SFT. Helen will be joining us in person to talk about the implementation of the Medical Examiner system across Somerset, the aims of the system and how it works. She will also talk about how any concerns would be escalated from the ME or the family to the care providers.

– Borderless: We will also be joined by Will Murch, from our sponsors, Borderless. “Home Office Insights: Navigating Sponsorship Trends” where Will shares insights with the Home Office, what they have seen changing and Labour govt’s potential reforms/changes in this area.

– Domiciliary care focus

There will be protected time, appx 15-20 mins at the end of this MNM for Domiciliary care members, any Qs, and issues you would like to raise. Next MNM focus will be on LD.

(Please note due to the upcoming conference, there won’t be an MNM in November).


  • RCPA Annual Conference

THE Care Conference for Somerset, hosted by the RCPA’

Train to Retain

Venue: Taunton Racecourse

Date: Tuesday 12th November 2024

Times: 9.15am until 4.15pm

Member fee – £70 per ticket

Non-member fee – £100 per ticket

For information on the guest speaker, workshops available and the full programme, please see attached.

To book your space, please fill out the attached booking form and return to admin@rcpa.org.uk


From our Partners

  • Borderless

Webinar: Compliance 101: Safeguarding Your Business Against Fines and Licence Revocation

How well is your business set up to handle UK immigration compliance?

Join us on October 22 at 11:00 AM for a live discussoon featuring Matthew Bond, CEO & Co-Founder, Borderless, and Lul Salah, Senior Immigration Advisor, where they’ll share their expert strategies to help you stay compliant and avoid costly fines or licence revocation.

What You’ll Learn:

  • The essential steps for maintaining compliance
  • How to avoid fines and licence revocation
  • Best practices for ongoing compliance management
  • The consequences of non-compliance and how to steer clear
  • An interactive Q&A session with our experts

Don’t miss this opportunity to gain actionable insights that will safeguard your business from potential risks.

Click here to register now


  • Optimise Workplace Wellbeing


Optimise Workplace Wellbeing are delighted to be partnering with and hosting our Mental Health First Aid Qualification at The Beautiful Mount Somerset Hotel.

Come and join us for 2 full days of learning which will see you gain your recognised and accredited, level 3 Award in Mental Health First Aid, which is valid for 3 years.

When: Tuesday 15th and Tuesday 22nd October

Timings: 9.30am-5.30pm both days

Where: The Mount Somerset Hotel, Henlade, Taunton, TA3 5NB (Near Taunton, just off junction 25 of the M5)


Just £195 for RCPA Members

Includes all training materials, certificate and aftercare support package

(usual cost £295 + VAT)

Find more info here:



Digital News

The clock is ticking to apply for digital funding

Are you still using paper to for your care records? Are you a CQC registered care provider? If so, you can apply for funding to help you move to a digital social care record.

But time is running out! Applications for funding need to be made in the next few months. Make sure to contact your integrated care system to apply for funding before it’s too late!

For more information about the funding available please contact: digitisationinsocialcare@somerset.gov.uk

RCPA Members’ bulletin – 4th October 2024

News and Resources

  • THE Care Conference for Somerset, hosted by the RCPA’

Tuesday 12th November at Taunton Racecourse

The theme for the day is ‘Train to retain’ with a special focus on the proposed Academy built on the site of the former Bridgwater Community Hospital.

The day will include:

  • Networking – the opportunity to connect with other care providers and sector stakeholders
  • Speakers – we will be joined by our colleagues and partners from the new Somerset Academy in Bridgwater, Somerset Council, and our keynote speaker Neil Eastwood from Care Friends, amongst others.
  • Interactive workshops – a mixture of workshops enabling you to share ideas and gain knowledge
  • Question and answer panel
  • Trade stands and partners representing key services in the sector – insurance, legal services, training, procurement, international recruitment and many more!
  • Entertainment, delegate ‘goodie’ bag and a free prize draw!

Refreshments and lunch are included, and there is plenty of free parking on site.

Spaces are limited and tickets are selling fast, please do complete and return your booking forms as soon as possible to secure your space!


Spotlight and blog around the RCPA’s Trusted Assessor service in this month’s edition of The Care Magazine! Click here to read on pages 10 and 11.


  • Article on the Albemarle Centre, Taunton

Spotlight on the Albemarle Centre, Taunton partnering with the RCPA; highlighting Albemarle’s Changing Places facilities and free access and support for visitors to Taunton. Click here to read on page 46.



  • RCPA MNM (Hybrid) – Tuesday 15th October 2024

Trull Memorial Hall, Church Road, Trull, Taunton TA3 7JZ

2.00pm until 3.30pm

We have invited a guest speaker specialising in VAT in the care sector. Also, a presentation from Borderless about international recruitment. Please join us and be prepared to ask any Q’s re VAT and implications for your business. More details will be circulated soon.

There is no need to register to attend. We look forward to welcoming you on the day, the meeting is open to RMs, owners, deputies and clinical leads.

Joining the meeting via TEAMs will also be available for those members who are not able to travel on the day. The meeting link will be sent out nearer the meeting date.


  • RCPA Annual Conference

THE Care Conference for Somerset, hosted by the RCPA’

Train to Retain

Venue: Taunton Racecourse

Date: Tuesday 12th November 2024

Times: 9.15am until 4.15pm

Member fee – £70 per ticket

Non-member fee – £100 per ticket

For information on the guest speaker, workshops available and the full programme, please see attached.

To book your space, please fill out the attached booking form and return to admin@rcpa.org.uk


From our Partners

  • Borderless

Webinar: International Recruitment & Sponsorship Under a New Government, on Wednesday, October 9, 2024, at 1:00 pm.

As experts in international recruitment, we will cover:

  • How recent government changes impact international recruitment and sponsorship
  • Key benefits, challenges, and pitfalls of hiring international staff
  • Strategies for onboarding and supporting your international employees to ensure their success
  • An interactive Q&A session to address your specific questions

Meet Our Speakers:

Matthew Bond – CEO & Co-Founder, Borderless
With years of experience in the care sector, Matthew leads Borderless in supporting over 350 providers with end-to-end immigration, sponsor licensing, and recruitment solutions.

Zoë-Dawn Anderson – Social Care Leader, Croner-i
Zoë brings 30+ years of experience in adult social care, offering valuable insights into regulatory compliance and best practices for integrating international staff.


Date: Wednesday, October 9th

Time: 1PM

Register now to secure your spot!


Webinar to Avoid Sponsor Licence Penalties!

Are you confident your business is fully compliant with UK immigration regulations?

Join us on October 22 at 11:00 AM for an exclusive webinar featuring Matthew Bond, CEO & Co-Founder, Borderless, and Lul Salah, Senior Immigration Advisor, where they’ll share their expert strategies to help you stay compliant and avoid costly fines or licence revocation.

What You’ll Learn:

  • The essential steps for maintaining compliance
  • How to avoid fines and licence revocation
  • Best practices for ongoing compliance management
  • The consequences of non-compliance and how to steer clear
  • An interactive Q&A session with our experts

Don’t miss this opportunity to gain actionable insights that will safeguard your business from potential risks.

Register now for your space!


  • Howden

Protecting your construction investment for the long term

Manging a new construction project is an expensive and complex process for any social care business, exposing them to new risks. Read this blog from our partner Howden to understand what these risks are and what you should consider ahead of any building project.


  • Optimise Workplace Wellbeing


**Only 4 spaces left!!!**

Optimise Workplace Wellbeing are delighted to be partnering with and hosting our Mental Health First Aid Qualification at The Beautiful Mount Somerset Hotel.

Come and join us for 2 full days of learning which will see you gain your recognised and accredited, level 3 Award in Mental Health First Aid, which is valid for 3 years.

When: Tuesday 15th and Tuesday 22nd October

Timings: 9.30am-5.30pm both days

Where: The Mount Somerset Hotel, Henlade, Taunton, TA3 5NB (Near Taunton, just off junction 25 of the M5)


Just £195 for RCPA Members

Includes all training materials, certificate and aftercare support package

(usual cost £295 + VAT)

Find more info here:



Spotlight on the Albemarle Centre!

Spotlight on the Albemarle Centre, Taunton partnering with the RCPA; highlighting Albemarle’s Changing Places facilities and free access and support for visitors to Taunton. Article can be found on page 46, please click on the link below.
