2022/2023 Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT) year completed!


A huge thank you to all Somerset providers who published their DSPT this year. Somerset exceeded the national target of 60% of providers DSPT compliant with 74% of providers being compliant. The Southwest is No.4 for DSPT compliance in England! Thank you to everyone who engaged with the free RCPA DSPT support in Somerset and the free national support from the Better Security, Better Care team. RCPA has been awarded the contract to continue being the local support in Somerset for the 2023/2024 DSPT, so please contact our Project Deliver Officer, Dan Plummer, for free 1-1 support and keep an eye out for webinars and events that RCPA will provide. Email – daniel.plummer@RCPA.org.uk


Next steps for DSPT?

The 2023/2024 DSPT will be going live in the next few weeks, so now is the perfect time to think about republishing. If you recently published the 2022/2023 DSPT then all the evidence, training and audits you provided will still be up to date and can be used on the 2023/2024 DSPT. The national DSPT team will announce when the 2023/2024 DSPT goes live and will contact you directly. If you’ve not yet started with the DSPT then now is the time to start and join the majority of care providers in Somerset who are DSPT compliant. For more information on the DSPT and why you should be completing it please contact our Project Deliver Officer, Dan Plummer. Email – daniel.plummer@RCPA.org.uk


Better Security, Better Care are hosting some national webinars for the DSPT, click the links below to find out more:


Completing the DSPT for the first time webinar

Review and republish you DSPT webinar


CQC on Digital Social Care Records

Following the publication of CQC’s guidance on digital social care records and their importance in achieving good outcomes for people we (Digitising Social Care) brought together senior leaders from our digitising social care programme and colleagues from the CQC to discuss it in detail. Mark Topps, a registered manager and co-presenter at Caring View facilitated the conversation to delve into what it all means for providers. This is the highlight film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1wl8zYG1pY

Speaking at The Caring View, CQCs Chief Digital and Data Officer Mark Sutton said “What we will certainly see over time, it’s likely to become increasingly difficult to maintain the level of quality that other providers are achieving with digital social care records and find it increasingly difficult to maintain good or outstanding if you’ve yet to make that move.”


The full version of this conversation will be shared as a special edition of The Caring View on Tuesday the 29th August. Hold the date as we’ll share more details soon.


For more information on CQC’s approach to Digital Social Care Records please visit – https://www.cqc.org.uk/guidance-providers/adult-social-care/digital-record-systems-adult-social-care-services


The Digitisation in Social Care (DiSC) team are best placed to help support you in your journey in adopting Digital Social Care Records and have funding opportunities for Somerset care providers. See leaflet attached.

If you’d like to find out more about adopting Digital Social Care Records and the funding opportunities available please see the expression of interest form – Digitisation in Social Care (DiSC) – Expression of Interest Form


RCPA Annual Conference and DiSC

The DiSC team along with RCPA’s Dan Plummer will be hosting a Digitalising Social Care workshop at the RCPA annual conference. This will be a fantastic opportunity to meet the DiSC team and see how adopting digital technology can benefit your organisation. For more information and booking details please email admin@rcpa.org.uk


Staying Secure in the Digital World

Adopting digital technology is the natural progression for social care, from NHSmail to Digital Social Care Records and HR software to payroll software. Using these services makes your organisation more efficient. However new and different risks are presented so it’s important to mitigate them as much as possible. One of the most important steps is staff training, for cyber security your employees will either be your strongest or weakest link.


The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) have some free online training resources for small and medium size organisations.

Please see below for the NCSC training:

Staying Safe Online: Top Tips for Staff – https://www.ncsc.gov.uk/blog-post/ncsc-cyber-security-training-for-staff-now-available – ideal for all staff members who work with computers or other digital devices.

Cyber Security for Small Organizations – https://www.ncsc.gov.uk/training/cyber-security-for-small-organisations-scorm-v2/scormcontent/index.html#/ – ideal for small business owners and management.


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